COMING SOON is the 5th Installation of Art Buzz presented by The Dunes, LLC., Senate Realty, DC This Week Blog, and benefiting the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative.
We invite you to a night of appetizers, fine wines, a music soundscape provided by DJ Will Eastman and the chance to preview the newest photographic works of DC's most dedicated photographers. COST: $15 to benefit the DC Collaborative
Participating artists include (this list will evolve):
Patrick Ryan - http://www.ryanphoto.com/
Kelly Thornton - http://kellymthorntonphotography.com/
Viet Chu - http://www.dcafam.com/
Nicole Wolf - http://www.sotadzine.com/
Ernesto Santalla - http://www.studiosantalla.com/
Liliane Blom - http://www.lilianeblom.com/
Katharine Hauschka - http://www.alpinemoonphotography.com/
Mary Clark Gaston - http://maryclarkgaston.com/
Wednesday, May 27th
6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
The Source Theatre
1835 14th St NW
Washington, DC
$15 admission includes appetizers and fine wines and supports the DC Collaborative. In addition the first 100 people through the door receive an ART BUZZ mix CD of the soundscape provided by DJ Will Eastman.
30% of all photographs sold that night by these amazing photographers will go to the DC Collaborative. The installation will be housed at Source, a vibrant,multi-user performing arts space located in the heart of Washington DC's 14th Street arts district.
Hosted by The Dunes, LLC., DC This Week and Senate Realty, Art Buzz is designed to showcase the works of DC's top artists and actively raise funds for the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative's Arts for Every Student (AFES) program.
AFES provides DC public and chartered schools with access to cultural opportunities throughout the Washington metropolitan area. The DC Collaborative ensures that underserved DC public schools benefit from the region's rich array of arts amenities. They provide free transportation and free tickets to music,dance, and theater experiences; plus trips to The Kennedy Center and museums.
In addition the Collaborative provides teachers with professional development sessions and study materials, adding further incentive to integrate the arts into their daily lessons. In the 2008 school year, more than 32,000 students and teachers visited cultural institutions through AFES.
Your support and the support of the participating photographers provides DC public school students with lifelong memories and an entrance into the arts community. Visit us at www.dccollaborative.org
Music soundscape by DJ Will Eastman
Honorary Bartender Veronica Pecnick
COST: $15 to Benefit the DC Collaborative